Why haven't you done my wish list request?
The wishlist feature is merely a membership "perc". We are under no obligation to honor any request. Our priority will always be with custom sequencing customers. However, it is considered "good business" to try to accomodate.
That said, the option to honor the request or delete it is done at our discretion. There are many reasons why a song will be rejected, including:
1) Too obscure a song. Consider our custom sequencing service.
2) Too difficult to create.
3) Cheating on the voting system.
4) Missing information, wrong title or artist, and/or we simply cannot find the song.
5) It is already available in our SELECT catalog.
Those who spend more at CYBERMIDI will "get more". Order a few custom sequences, buy CYBERMIDI Selects, fund the tip jar :)...and you will increase the chances of getting the song(s) done.
There can also be a couple of other reasons for rejection.. If you submitted a request that was rejected, email us and we'll give you a personal response.